My Information | ||
Name |
①こばと / Kobato | |
Nick Name |
Seka | |
Gender |
I am sure I am McDonald's Pack Bags | |
Birthday |
10月28日 | |
Group |
Lotus Sect Leader | |
Loving People |
Chase | |
目前状态 |
活跃 | |
Hello Guys! This is こばと / ばんまでん(Sometimes with this name) / 铃鸣万魔殿(Chinese Website) ヾ(•ω•`)o
SOKA CAFE Organizer | Lotusect Sect Leader
Causality - Monster Girl? | INFP | Scorpio | In the 🇺🇸
Religion - Hanasectsism - Mizumyo Sect - Trihydrate Church
Main Hobbies - OTOMAD | Website Develop | Productivity Software
Vice Hobbies - OC Worldview | OC Worldview Second Creation | Mathematics | Digital | Game Design(Plan to learn) | etc
Game - Blue Archive | Geometry Dash | Music Games Genre(I play a lot) | etc
OTOMAD Preference
Loving Materials:Soka Gakkai Airmoto(Main | Shinanofree) | Z-Kai | Blue Archive | My own OC Worldview | Geometry Dash | etc
Soka Gakkai Airmoto Culture Fanatic
Representative Composition
【合作】宗教都市祭 ~ Shukyo City Festival
This is one of the most satisfying pieces of work I've done in the field of OTOMAD!
I am the Initiator and Chief Director of this composition. I have also been responsible for Audio Mix, LOGO Design, Cover Design, Suite Production, and CM production. I also take parts in Part9 - Reindeer Corpse、Part10 - 妖怪の山、Part23 - Level ! !